Frequently Asked Questions

If you chose Bond Christian Counseling ~ then ‘I work for you’! I want you to be extremely satisfied with the services that you receive at BCC, which is part of the reason that I strongly encourage you to ask as many questions as you need to. Therapeutically, finding and using the voice of your heart is a universal goal in being who we are made to be.

Can counseling help me?

Since every person is unique, there will never be a ‘one size fits all’ approach to counseling.   We all get “stuck” sometimes, but whenever we are feeling stuck we must all do our part to get unstuck.  We must all bring order from our inner world to our outer world and having an unbiased trained professional with a 3rd party perspective in a confidential environment is the ideal place to do that.  I have gathered a huge toolbox of different ‘best practices’ techniques and interventions over the years that support you in not only getting recovery from an outside behavior, but also recovery of your insides and how you were made.  Counseling creates an opportunity to increase self-awareness, self-compassion, self-kindness, and self-acceptance in your Body, Soul, Spirit connections.  

The effectiveness of counseling is always dependent on the universal law of reaping and sowing.  You will get out of this process what you put into it.  If you do your part in the acronym H.O.W. (Honest, Open, Willing) and trust G.O.D. (Good, Orderly, Direction) you will sow what you reap a harvest both in and out of our sessions.

By the way, I am just like you.  I too wondered about these questions as I sought my own counselor 16 years ago.  I have become a lifelong learning with multiple counselors through these years and I would be honored to share part of our journeys together.  I also offer a free 15-minute phone consultation where we can discuss how counseling may be helpful to you.      

Why do people go to therapy?

People attend therapy for a wide variety of reasons - trauma, stress, anxiety, depression, grief and loss, relationship name it. Often people seek therapy because there is a change they wish to make or something they would like to improve. Many people participate in therapy after experiencing an upsetting event in order to help find relief from symptoms. The therapeutic relationship is unique like no other. 

I encourage my clients to consider giving themselves this gift of a relationship that is unrequited (one direction) and all about them.  Therapy is an opportunity to receive support during challenging times, gain greater self-awareness, improve your relationship with yourself and others, enhance confidence and experience personal growth and healing. No issue is too big or too small!

How long will I need to be in counseling?

The duration of counseling is different for each person and his/her circumstances.  Such as your goals, current support systems and/or stressors, the level of health in your family growing up, past traumas, resources, coping mechanisms, and your honesty, openness, and willingness to engage in the process.  Counseling is not easy and may feel uncomfortable at times.  Here are a couple phrases to consider; “If it were easy, then everybody would do it” and “the only way to become comfortable with the uncomfortable, is by doing the uncomfortable”.  The good news is, that you don’t have to be alone on this journey. 

What are your rates?

Individual Counseling Sessions:

50 minutes - $100

Couples / Marriage Counseling Sessions:

50 minutes - $125

Family Counseling Sessions:

50 minutes - $150

Additional Direct Time: 

15 minutes = $25

How can I pay for sessions?

Your session fee can be paid with cash, check, debit/credit card, HSA account, Venmo or PayPal.

Do you accept insurance?

No; I am an out-of-network (OON) provider for insurance companies. A document with all of the information needed to file insurance claims, a Superbill, can be emailed to you at your request. You may be able to submit this document to your insurance company for partial reimbursement of therapy services. Please contact your insurance company directly for information regarding your eligibility and reimbursement rates. When you contact your insurance company, let them know you are considering seeing an OON provider and ask the following: 1. Do I have out-of-network benefits? 2. What is my deductible? 3. At what percentage will I be reimbursed? If you utilize this option, please be aware that I am required to provide a mental health diagnosis to your insurance company.

How do I know if you're the right therapist for me?

Finding a therapist that feels like the right chemistry/fit is the most important thing!   By all means; give me a call and we can chat about it. My primary intention as your counselor is to create a safe space where you have the freedom to tell the truth and the freedom to struggle.  I want you to be heard, seen, supported, validated, and challenged while being affirmed in the uniqueness of how GOD made you.  We all need a place where we belong and matter and get the chance to take off our masks and be your true, uncensored self.

During your free 15-minute phone consultation, we can talk about why you're seeking therapy, my training and credentials, as well as my approach to counseling and you can determine if you would like to schedule a session with me.

Do I need to be a 'Christian' to be a client?

Absolutely not! It’s not my place or intention to tell you what you should or shouldn’t believe. My purpose for telling you of my spiritual beliefs is simply to help you to make your decision if I am the right counselor for you. Furthermore, if you ever feel judged or hurt by me, then I welcome and encourage the use of your voice in our relationship to recover your heart and test the relationship skills that we are learning in session.

What if I've tried therapy before and it wasn't helpful or I'm still experiencing symptoms?

You are not alone! I have been to several counselors before finding my current one who I truly connected with.  You need to find someone who you feel understands you and your internal experience. I know that you need to size me up to make a gut decision if you can relate and trust me as your counselor and I welcome that.  In fact, I welcome you to ‘mistrust out loud’ because so much of this process is about you finding and using your voice in real time.  Furthermore when it’s appropriate, I will share the truth of my heart to help guide you on your quest into the truth of your heart to find your voice.  I have done a ton of my own heart work that I know will be helpful to you as I encourage you that; “whatever you bring to this place is welcome”, “please don’t protect me from you”, “I am way more interested in you being FREE than I am interested in me being safe”, and “YOU ARE WORTH IT”!

What do I need to bring?

Your part is to be HONEST, OPEN, and WILLING to feel your feelings and tell your truth.  You are welcome to bring a notebook or journal or even a recording device for your sessions.

What will sessions look like?

Depending upon your therapeutic goals, your counseling sessions will vary from week to week.  After we finalize your treatment goals then we may be spending time in talk therapy, topical teachings, EMDR resourcing/processing all to raise your awareness and increase your competencies.  I will meet you where you are at and we will work together in a collaborative effort to meeting your goals.

How long do sessions last?

The standard meeting time for psychotherapy sessions is 50 minutes. Extended sessions can be offered at a prorated fee.

How often do we meet?

Typically once a week, but some people prefer to meet more or less frequently.

What are your hours?

Generally, I see clients Monday through Friday between the hours of 9am and 7pm. You can access my calendar to see available times and book a session by clicking here. Therapy sessions are by appointment only.

  • Telehealth Video Sessions on Mondays

  • In office all day Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays

I typically respond to voicemails, emails, and texts within 1 business day. If you call, text, or email me after 12pm on a Friday, I may not be able to respond until the following Monday. I do not answer calls or respond to emails or texts outside of business hours.

If you have a mental health emergency, please utilize the following resources:

  • Text Home to 741741- Crisis Text Line

  • Call SAMHSA's National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

  • Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255)

  • Go to your local Emergency Room

What if I need to cancel my session?

You can cancel your session through your client portal or you can text, call, or email me. Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment time or you will be charged for the full session fee.

Can we connect on social media sites?

You're welcome to follow my business pages on Facebook. However, due to the importance of protecting your confidentiality and minimizing dual relationships, I will not follow, add, or accept friend requests from current or former clients on any of my personal pages on social media sites. Additionally, I will not provide therapeutic services through social media sites. I believe that adding clients as friends or contacts on these sites can compromise your confidentiality and may also blur the boundaries of our therapeutic relationship.


Not seeing your question? Please feel free to contact us.

Schedule an Appointment

I offer a free 15-minute phone consultation so that you can decide if you are comfortable with my therapeutic approach. Contact me with any questions or to schedule an appointment.