Teachings & Continued Education

We don’t know what we don’t know. And sometimes, even when we do know what we should do……we don’t ‘want’ to do it. On our path towards change, Keith has accumulated years of experience that he has summarized in these teachings as a critical part of your continued raising your awareness as you examine your heart and mind when you have begun to ask yourself; “how did I get here?”.

Feel free to watch and recommend these videos to your friends as often as you’d like. Furthermore, if there is a subject that you would like to know more about, Keith would love to hear your requests. So send your questions to us here and more videos will be produced as the demand grows.


To access other videos in the Teachings Playlist, click here or go to the top right corner of the video below and select the list icon. Enjoy!
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“We all need someone who will shepherd our heart with tenderness.”