Counseling Services


Everyone needs help some time.  Everyone gets ‘stuck’ and stalled out during this life and we need an unbiased third-party perspective to help us see what we can’t see and teach us what we do not know so we can get back on this path towards becoming the men and the women that we were created to be.


Here are some things we can explore in therapy:

  • Anxiety

  • Attunement

  • Co-Dependency

  • Demandingness

  • Depression

  • Emotional Distress

  • Family of Origin

  • Forgiveness

  • Greif & Loss

  • Humility

  • Life Transitions

  • Losing a Job

  • Navigating the world as a highly sensitive person (HSP) or empath

  • People-Pleasing

  • Perfectionism

  • Rage

  • Reclaiming the Authentic Self

  • Relationships

  • Repetition Compulsion

  • Self-Care

  • Self-Compassion

  • Self-Worth & Confidence

  • Sexual Abuse & Assault

  • Shame & Guilt

  • Spirituality

  • Stress

  • Toxic Shame - that “not good enough” feeling

  • Trauma / PTSD / Complex PTSD

  • Trust

  • Utter Isolation

Spiritual Warfare

The enemy doesn’t care that you were 4 years old.  Yes, that thought/question was in your head, but it wasn’t your thought…

What's wrong with me that I don’t have all the answers? 

What’s wrong with me that I’m so needy?

What’s wrong with me that I make so many mistakes?   

 …and your brain (the greatest computer ever made) answered it…

Ohhhhh… It’s because I’m so stupid.

It’s because I’m unwanted.

It’s because I’m unlovable.

…We have all made spiritual agreements to statements like these because that was the truth of the story that my body was telling me at the time.  We have all signed our names to these agreements in the spiritual realm and we can take this ground back through the renewing of our minds and the crucifying of our EGO’s (where ever we have E.dged - G.od - O.ut)

If you’ve said these words, you are not alone.

I've been there... I’ve said these exact words. I am so excited for you to learn the truth about how normal you really are! The truth is that we have all just been suffering in silence and isolation from one another because we lost the voice of our heart!

The Process

Book a 15 minute phone consultation with us so I can learn more about your story.

Attend a session so that we can get to know you better, to choose what type of counseling is right for you.

Continue working with Bond Christian Counseling.

Feel supported. Feel like you are in the right place.

Who do we help?

Have a unique situation? We are happy to hear your story. Contact us for a free consultation.





Want to know more about Group Sessions?

Sign up to be on the groups mailing list to receive the group schedule. If you would like to be on the mailing list for the group schedule, please sign up as a client within the login portal and create an account, then communicate your interest in the group and stay informed of when the next group schedule has been secured!

Let’s take the next step. Together.