Bond Christian Counseling Mission Statement

“To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace, and to give knowledge of salvation by the remission of their sins."

Get to know Keith Bond

Keith Bond has been practicing his craft of counseling for over 10 years and has thousands of direct and professional hours within his experience.  Keith believes that counseling is an artform bringing his hands like a ‘worker’, bringing his head and hands like a ‘craftsman’, but also bringing his heart like an ‘artist’.  Keith has been a licensed clinical supervisor for over 3 years and has logged thousands of hours honing his craft while training and discipling over 150 counseling professionals over the years.

Keith brings a very unique approach to his counseling by being a living example of walking the walk and not just talking the talk.  Refreshingly, this means that unlike the outside world where we all wear our masks of presenting our ‘best self’, Keith leads the way by getting real in the sharing of his life experiences as it appropriately relates to what his clients bring into sessions in the midst of their stuck-ness.

Keith works diligently in a collaboration with his clients to get back in the game of life as a full participant.  Keith will gently and lovingly guide you back towards those tender unhealed places in your heart that are in desperate need of the attention they deserve after the tragedy of this world takes its toll.  

Keith considers it an honor and privilege to get to be invited to the sacred spaces of your story that are holy ground of the intimacy of being fully known.  It is our hope at BCC that you are richly blessed by your counseling experience as these days are evil but you're not alone in it.



Safe Space

One of my first and foremost intentions is to provide a safe, nonjudgmental space where you can be your authentic and unfiltered self.  A space where you have the freedom to be honest and the freedom to struggle.   A space where you feel seen, heard, and supported in your quest for becoming the man or woman that GOD made you to be. I am just your guide to walk through the bad lands together because someone has first helped me.  


I believe that you were made just right!  I believe that you were fearfully and wonderfully made.  I’m not teaching you anything new, but rather pointing you back to something that you had and lost.  Love is painfully time consuming and even if you don’t fully believe it right now; ‘you are worth it’!  Where ever we have been hurt, our body remembers.  Together we will unpack your stories and the feelings that go with them to answer the question we are all being asked; ‘who told you that you were naked?”  You will have the opportunity to process the effects of traumatic events, move through shame and guilt, and grieve your losses. We will relearn how to get back to the way that we were made where we can let out the ‘bad’ of this life and relearn how to let in the ‘good’.  


Once we are no longer weighed down by trauma, weight, and debris that so easily ensnare us you will be able to give away and minister to others in true empathy which is even more blessed than to receive.  I will support you in getting connected to your values in order to help you create a life that feels meaningful and purposeful - the life that you were meant to live with all it’s joys mixed with sadness.  


The Quest of Counseling

When you get on this quest, it is unlike an adventure where you wonder about and come back to home base. 

A quest is one in which we ‘burn the ships’ and we ‘burn the bridges’ because I this time next year, I am not going to be the same man or woman that you see before you today. 

Yes, counseling is hard work AND the transformation you can experience with the help of counseling is so worth it! Life is tragic AND GOD is faithful – it’s never a linear process – being human always involves ups and downs, twists and turns - it can feel confusing and really uncomfortable at times.

“Yes”, there will be many moments along the way with tears, laughter, frustration, and hope.

But you won't be alone - I will be there with you as you embark on this courageous quest.